Monday, March 3, 2008

Clay's New Book

This was one of the key motivations to create this blog...

At dinner, one of the first thing that Clay asked me was if my work was being influenced by John Coarmack's positions on the future of useful computing. If Clay, who is up to his neck in thinking about people on the web connects Accelerated Computing with Carmack's comments on Game Physics, PPUs & GPUs. This is more than just something being considered in random labs.

+++ The good stuff

I attended Clay's public presentation at the launch of his new book at the Berkman last week. I have great notes thanks to Zinta, but she also pointed out that David Weinberger was live blogging. Zinta's notes are excellent. David's capturing of the event is different and has comments from others. Not many, but the dialog is valuable.

Inadvertently and with no malice, I was convinced over dinner by the 'Fellows of Berkman' to recognize the validity of the term cyberspace... A phrase I dislike due to historical overuse. However, what else are you going to call something that embraces twitter, skype, flikr and email. It's more than 'the Internet.'

Here are the links

Clay Shirky & others on his excellent new book.

Weinberger on Shirky in the evening: The Book.
And in the afternoon on protest culture.

Of course, the talks by Clay will be posted to the Berkman Center site so you can have the original, rather than the distillate.

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